The SHUKLA Shoulder Universal Shoulder Implant Extraction System is designed to remove any shoulder implant on the market today. Every part of this system is designed with surgeon efficiency in mind. With universal compatibility across the spectrum of implant features, the SHUKLA Shoulder system gives surgeons every tool they need for a successful extraction.
- Ability to remove a universal range of shoulder implants regardless of the implant feature, manufacturer, country of origin, or how long ago the primary surgery took place.
- 14 unique Modular Jaws to fit any shoulder implant, no matter the features. Fins, Collars, Trunnions, Lips, and more are all taken into consideration.
- 3 types of Glenosphere Jaws able to grab onto a universal range of glenospheres.
- Threaded Extractors are designed with a six inch length to give surgeons easier access to a wider range of patients.
- Strike Plates apply crucial extraction force inline with the shoulder implant. Additionally, the Strike Plates were designed to help break up bone ingrowth making extraction easier and reducing the risk of fractures.
Product Guide: SHUKLA Shoulder (S9SHLDR)
Surgical Technique Guide: SHUKLA Shoulder (S9SHLDR)
Shukla Medical Limited Warranty
Cleaning and Sterilization: Instructions